Why Trump's new transgender ban is important
The White House have announced a plan to ban most transgender people from serving in the US military under new reviews.
The orders will reverse a policy put in place by Obama in 2016, which ended a rule barring trans people from serving in the military.
This comes after remarks made by President Donald Trump last year, on Twitter.

On Friday, the White House said the policy will state that "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had gone back on his earlier bucket ban which was widely criticised to allow this new policy to take its place.
The new regulation is said to have been developed "through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, as well as combat veterans, including that of defence secretary James Mattis.
It has been alleged that Mattis gave Trump a recommendation in February to allow transgender troops to remain in the military.

The Department of Defence (DoD) had submitted a report to the president which said allowing those with a history of gender dysphoria to serve entailed "substantial risks" and could, by exempting them from existing physical, mental and sex-based standards, "undermine readiness... and impose an unreasonable burden on the military".
Although, there is no evidence to suggest transgender servers pose a threat to the effectiveness of the military. In fact, studies have found that such a ban would have a negative effect on the force.
The ruling is an arguably hostile move in a series of controversial acts put forward by Trump since coming into power that puts Transgenders at the forefront of further hatred and discrimination whereby they will be forced to hide who they truly are.
The news is triggering considering transgenders already live in a world where they are more likely to face discrimination, yet instead of praising them for putting themselves on the front line and risking their lives for their country, their own government tells them they shouldn't be there as though their body organs or sexual identifiers determine their strength.
Many LGBT activists have rightfully hit out at the ban saying it is an attack on patriotic Americans who have volunteered to serve their country.

The American Civil Liberties Union, said the policy was 'transphobia masquerading as policy' and was not based on new evidence but rather "reverse-engineered for the sole purpose of carrying out President Trump's reckless and unconstitutional ban.'
Whilst, The House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi, said in a statement: 'No one with the strength and bravery to serve in the US military should be turned away because of who they are.'
It is seemingly unclear as to when this will come into effect, although it is expected to face legal challenges from the highest courts.
It is imperative that we speak out against this clear sign of hatred towards transgenders who like much of the LGBT community are often stripped of their basic human rights, it is not up to the government or anyone to police the bodies of it's citizens- In fact some would say that such an argument infringes upon civil liberty and one's freedom to exercise basic civil rights.