London: my home or millionaire’s playground?
As a student living alone in London it is very challenging living in the city where breathing puts you into your overdraft. I also grew...

Why mental illnesses "don't exist" in a black household.
I first began to feel 'different' when I was 15. Up until then I was pretty much a happy-go-lucky girl. School was going good, my friends...

A series about African Warrior Women is in development
Sony Pictures Television have announced they will be developing a television show about African female warriors with pan-regional African br

Dear Black Women: A love letter to my sisters
“Dipped in chocolate, bronzed in elegance, enamelled with grace, toasted with beauty. My lord, she Is a black woman.” Yosef A.A....

The many layers of Logan Paul’s disrespect
So as I’m sure we’re all painfully aware by now, Youtube juggernaut Logan Paul went on holiday in Japan, took a camera, and filmed his...

Black People should fear our Enemies, but Our Friends Also
Human nature is tricky. Whether you agree with the more traditional viewpoints on its bias towards violence, exploitation, and...

It’s 2017 and My People are Still Slaves.
You’ve seen it. Or if you haven’t, please consider yourself lucky to have not glanced your eyes upon the shackled, mangled, burned,...

We all say dumb shit sometimes. But should it define us?
I have said a lot of offensive things as a young man. I have said many regrettable things whether it is the heat of youthful rage or the...

Book Review: The hate you give by Angie Thomas
Originally published on http://www.asunnyspot.com.au/ Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighbourhood...

‘White mask’: strategic career move or have I snaked the mandem?
White mask refers to the sociological theory that ethnic minorities adopt a dual identity. This means that they are more likely to change...