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Friday Vibes

Hey guys,

I apologise for not posting sooner but it has been a crazy week as I got my A Level results last week and found out that I will be going to my dream Uni- Essex University in October to study Politics. Not to gloat but I must say I am very proud of myself for actually pushing through and ending my high school education with ABB, which I did not see myself achieving at one point. There was a time at the start of this year where I was ready to give up, I would literally have sleepless nights where I cried myself to sleep because I couldn't see myself living up to everyone's expectations. But, I can now brush off the dust and revel in my success.

Going to uni means that I will be moving out for four years *eek*. I am nervous but mostly excited because I'm going to Uni with my best friend so it really wont be anything else but fun. I am already imagining all the savagery we will unleash on the campus. We already have so much planned that we want to do, e.g a guided tour down the deep south which we plan on saving up the minute we get those coins from Student Finance *lmao*. No but honestly, I am so looking forward to this new chapter of my life. I just want to grow as a person and learn how to live without the comfort of home, as well as travel and do all the things I won't be able to do once I get out into the real world of work. Remember when I wrote 'Miserable' a few posts ago and I spoke about the importance of doing you and not allowing ANYONE to stop you from achieving your goals. You can bet your dollars that I will be entering Uni with that exact mindset because I am getting to a point in my life now where I don't have time for peoples negativity and silly attempts to deter me from my goals. I am building an empire and my career is the most important thing to me right now, do you think I worked this hard to allow anyone to tell me any different? No and NO! I have always said that one day everyone will see my name and instantly know who I am. I know in my heart that will happen soon.

Okay! Enough of the uni talk for now because I have to let you guys in on a big secret. Big things will soon be happening on this blog, one of which will be a Q&A vlog with my friend Issy who also has an amazing blog which I will attach below. I also have so much ideas for future posts and I can't wait to share them with you.

Issy's blog:

Lastly, I have had something bothering me for a while and I hope that when the time comes, you guys will help me with it. Most of you that read my blog won't know that I suffer from Polycystic Ovaries which is a hormonal condition which means I have lttle to none periods a year, as well suffer with turbulent weight gain. PCOS is a condittion that affects a lot of women, yet there is still little that is known about it, currently there is no cure and medication can be a hit or miss, depending on the person. Thus, I have decided to start a crowdfunding page for a charity called Verity that specialises in building awareness around the condition, as well as providing self help groups for sufferers. I should be launching it very soon so watch out for that and please donate. It would mean the world.

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