I matter...

I love seeing my family, friends or imaginary friends on Instagram achieving their goals and living their best life whilst simultaneously slaying. I genuinely do. Honestly. BUT, there is always that very little but loud voice at the back of my mind that says what about me?
What am I doing with life? Where is my success? Selfish right? I know. I am a hypocrite; as I am always talking about being selfless. But I’m human guys. Its like always being the bridesmaid but never the bride.
Where is my happily ever after?
I often feel this way when I’ve been procrastinating, comfort eating or binge watching my latest series addiction and then I log onto Instagram and see peoples’ new business, YouTube channels, degrees, husbands and their perfect credit score. Why people share so much of their life on Instagram, still baffles me.
Is what I'm doing enough? I will never be as good as everyone else. Some people see other peoples’ success as motivation to do better and as much as I agree with this, it is easier said than done. Time and time again it has been said that comparison is the thief of joy, and unfortunately this is very true, because after stalking these successful people and moaning about how horrible my life is I feel horrible. But why should I feel horrible when there are people in this world that have bigger problems than my own.
That’s not to be dismissive of my feelings, although it does help recognise that I need to grateful for everything in my life.
The good and the bad. The fact that I am alive, healthy and studying an LLB Law and Criminal Justice degree whilst working, being the Vice President of a Society and keeping up with my writing all whilst maintaining my mental health, is a miracle. Damn Ma. I am actually amazing.
It is so important to remember that your life has a purpose and as cliché as this sounds you cannot compare chapter three of your life to someone’s chapter 20. Do you even know what that person had to sacrifice to get where there are now? Can you even make those same sacrifices?
We can get so caught up with what we don’t have or what we are not doing that we forget all the great things that we have achieved, ignoring the process of growth we have gone through and the lessons learnt. The obsession with the destination can quickly become addictive as well as destructive. Enjoy the process. Have short term goals. Have long term goals. Milk the struggle, because a wise person once said that if we were all to throw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else’s problem we would run back to collect our own.
Everyone’s life revolves around a purpose and it is your job to seek the one who created it and walk in it every day. The bigger your hurdles, the more beautiful the victory is in the end. You are the only you on this earth and that is ultimately your greatest power. There may be another you on earth seven though. And on that note, if you got that reference to Flash, you and I can be friends. Anyway, the point is, stay in your lane, focus on becoming the best version of yourself so you can be a blessing for yourself and others too.